by Stacy Campbell
Stacy Campbell

Stacy Campbell lives in Hurst, Texas. She teaches English to special education students in Arlington, Texas. In her free time she plays the guitar, writes poetry and short stories, and drinks very cold beer. She is previously published in Writer's Digest, North Texas Professional Writer's Anthology, The Story Teller, Orange Room Review, Autumn Leaves, The Smoking Poet, Splash of Red Literary Journal, Westward Quarterly, The Teachers Voice, A Little Poetry, and other on-line publications. She was a 2008 Commendation Award Winner from The Society of Southwestern Authors.

not the latch on the door
not the dormant alarm inside
not the tickle of bones
can prepare you for this assembly
jock-jawed men with big hands
delicately pluck the strings
tap snares with feathers
pull bark off trees with their voices
an ancient rendezvous
of euphonic notes lingers in the air
like shattered glass
and thick edged smiles
not the pretense of knowledge
not the warble pounding pounding
not the bottles click clacking
can prepare you for this assembly

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