Rain on Cape Cod
by Carol Iaciofano
Carol Iaciofano

Carol Iaciofano writes op-eds and book reviews for publications including The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald. Her most recent op-ed was an appreciation of Steve Jobs: his impact on liberal arts majors.

Lavish storm in pre-dawn dark, raindrops
fat as wedding rings bounce and explode
on the roof and deck and many windows
of this rented seaside house.

The rain's wind-laden roar,
unspoiled by car engine or plane
fills the cathedral-ceilinged room.
Here, pen on paper makes no sound.

Blacker than the sky, massive treetops lean close
then pull away in the soaking gusts,
wild fantasies of the steady ceiling fan
on this side of the glass sliders.

I return to the shelter of the couch,
drink first-coffee calm,
and let the storm
drag off the small-hour mares.

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