My Yellow Couch
by Ann Minoff
Ann Minoff

Ann Minoff graduated from New York University with a degree in philosophy and continued her education at the National College of Chiropractic in Illinois. She received her Doctorate of Chiropractic in 1982. She currently teaches Yoga and classes on Kabbalah. Her work is forthcoming or has been published in The Alembic, The Distillery, The Literary Review, Lullwater Review, Nimrod, Porcupine, Quiddity Literary Journal, and Sacred Journey: Journal of Fellowship in Prayer.

My mother sleeps on my yellow couch
her skull pressing against the thin layer
of skin as if already dead
soon she will waken uncertain
of the day or place or time
except for me
I will reassure her
tell her where she is what day it is
what she will do next
eating or sleeping or watching the evening news

she holds my hand in hers
her face squeezed together
the left eye closed
the right eye partially open
she looks at me
waiting for her instructions

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